Creating a Network Share Golden Image Store

- Creating a Network Share Golden Image Store

- Store Type

- Authentication

- Configuration

Creating a network share Golden Image Store 

To add a golden image store to SiteDeploy, select the ‘Golden Image Stores’ heading, in the ‘Deployment’ section of the Site Manager. 

In ‘Golden Image Stores’ a list of the existing golden image stores will be displayed. To add a new golden image store, select ‘Add.’ 

Store Type

On the first page of the 'Add Store' wizard, select 'Network Share':


On the second page of the wizard, you can specify a share using a UNC path, the credentials required to authenticate against the share should also be entered:

The user that is specified in the ‘Authentication’ section requires read and write access to the share that has been specified so that the golden images may be created. If the field is left blank anonymous access will be used.  

To avoid problems accessing the golden image store from the endpoints, it is recommended that the domain part of the authentication is always filled in. If the share is on a computer or NAS which is not joined to a domain, the hostname of the computer or NAS should be used instead. 


On this page, additional options can be specified. These options are shown below: 

Option Description
Automatically retry golden image store connection for user credential errors This option will cause SiteDeploy to treat credential failures like normal network errors and retry the golden image store connection on credential failures. This can be useful as Windows can incorrectly report network issues as credential failures. By default, SiteDeploy will not retry credential failures automatically to prevent the possibility of locking accounts due to an incorrect password. 
Allow X simultaneous deployments from this golden image store This value sets the number of deployments that can be performed from backups in this golden image store simultaneously. The default value is 5, but it can be increased up to 60. More than 60 simultaneous deployments can take place if more than one golden image store is being used as the source for the deployment.
Custom name A name that will be displayed in the SiteDeployinterface for this repository. If left blank, it will default to the network path of the repository. 

Once the golden image store configuration has been completed, select ‘Finish.’ SiteDeploy will then attempt to connect to the golden image store using the settings that you have specified. If SiteDeploy is unable to connect to the golden image store, an error will be displayed and can be corrected. 

Once the golden image store has been added successfully, it will be shown in the list of existing golden image stores along with information about the golden image store: